Marc Martinez-Llordella

Company: Quell Therapeutics
Job title: Co-founder & Vice President, Biology
Developing CAR-Treg Therapies to Enhance Clinical Efficacy 11:00 am
Discussing Treg engineering strategies to improve safety and efficacy Revealing insights into the ongoing LIBERATE clinical trial Exploring Treg stability and pharmacokinetics to enhance safetyRead more
day: Day 2 Treg Cell Therapy Track AM
Industry Leader’s Fireside Chat: Comparing Treg Cell Therapies & Treg Modulators as Effective Treatments for Inflammatory & Autoimmune Diseases 8:30 am
Exploring the effectiveness of treatment personalization to direct the future of Treg therapies Discussing technological challenges in Treg cell therapy, Treg modulator and antigen-specific therapy development Comparing Treg cell therapy and modulator treatment efficacy to identify enhancements to progress Treg therapiesRead more
day: Conference Day One AM