Birgit Schultes

Company: Intellia Therapeutics
Job title: CSO
Evaluating Clinical Challenges Associated with Allogeneic Therapies 2:00 pm
Assessing the risks of allogeneic therapies to ensure safe treatment development Addressing the persistence of allogeneic therapies without the need for deep lymphodepletion Discussing innovations to overcome manufacturing challenges for allogeneic therapiesRead more
day: Day 1 Treg Cell Therapy Track
Panel Discussion: Comparing Allogeneic & Autologous Therapies: Ideal Biology Vs Real-Word Effectiveness 2:30 pm
Comparing the need for treatment availability to treatment rejection risks Reviewing therapeutic outcomes associated with both therapeutic options to identify the balance between real-world efficacy and biology Highlighting current research and emerging strategies to enhance the success of both therapy typesRead more
day: Day 1 Treg Cell Therapy Track